Saturday, May 31, 2008


I seem to be having difficulty with my blog... 

You see, my life doesn't have enough material in it for a blog... What should I write about?

"Yesterday I went to school and got some homework... I came home and procrastinated... Now I've got late homework..."

I didn't find that too interesting... 

"Today I went outside and I helped my dad load firewood... It was really heavy and there were many bugs..."

I guess I'll just wait until something interesting happens in my life good enough to be posted on the internet...


Sunday, May 25, 2008

Some Great Clips I Saw In Video Production!

#1: FULL METAL JACKET-Stanley Kubrick

#2: BOTTLE ROCKETS-... Oops... Who's the director?

#3: LOVE AND DEATH-Woody Allen

#4: THE SHINING-Stanley Kubrick

Monday, May 19, 2008

I have hopped the blogger train!

Greetings! I'm sort of new to the blogging thing, so please excuse me if I'm a little disoriented in my writing. Though, I'll bet that everyone says something like that one their first blog post, so I don't think I'm alone there!

My name's Nick... And that's about as much as you're going to know of my name. You see, I've got a real phobia of pedophiles, so I never give out my name online, you see. Sorry to all of the people out there who really, really want to know my last name... But I don't think there's anybody out there who really, really wants to know my last name, so I think I'm cool...

Sooooo... I'm supposed to write stuff about me here, aren't I?


I'm a comics nerd. That's all I can say. I write comics, I read comics, I'm planning on making a living on comics in the future... I'm just about as comics as someone can get. In my life, I hope to get up there with Art Spiegelman and Alan Moore...

Well, as you can tell by all the periods I've scattered around my writing, this bio is getting a little awkward, so I guess I'll just stop writing before I blow my whole first post...