Saturday, December 27, 2008

July 8th, 2008

Pardon my post that I wrote all that while back. I was going to make a second and third part, but the longer I waited in making it, the more I realized I had no idea what the rest of the dream really was... That was pretty much the only good part anyway...

Just FYI.


My anything-but-interesting Christmas.

Well, I had an interesting Christmas this week. (I know, that totally contradicts the title... Which is exactly why I wrote that title, so I could use the word contradicts)

Anyway, I've been spending most of my time here at my cousin's house on the computer playing the online game PHAROAH'S TOMB, which is fun, but tedious... I've also been drawing some very scenic pictures... Which is surprisingly easier to do when you're completely bored out of your mind...

I got a canteen, two t-shirts, a badge presser, and a mess load of Cold Stone and Starbuck's gift cards for Christmas.

I've also been spending most of my time involantarily listening to the soundtrack of HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3, which my cousins listen to at least three times a day. I've been able to stand it more now... (Which is not really a feat as much as it is a necessity), and I believe I'm beginning to lose my sanity, as I have already memorized half of the songs...

So that's my week. Santa Barbara is nice, but I'm sure you don't give a crap about what I'm doing right now, so I'll just shut up... I don't even know why I bothered writing this whole thing... Personal satisfaction, I guess...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Nice to see all of my non-existent fans again!*

Well, I've been away for a very long time. Now, I don't mean I've been on vacation or unhooked to the internet for a long time. I just mean I haven't written anything on this blog in about half a year.

Now, I don't really have anymore posts right now, but I'd just like to remind you to look at my PLUTZENLAND WEEKLY and MOVIE REVIEWS blogs. I have a few new things posted there. Oh, and remember to check out my new Deviant Art profile, which I will be putting a link to.

Sooooooooooooooooooo, yeah.

*By the way, if I do have any fans, please send me a comment or something. That kind of thing would be good to know.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I'm on YouTube!

Both these videos were made a long time ago. I've recently fixed them up and made them into these trailers. Soon I should have some NOW stuff on my YouTube account. I just need a camera with a microphone hookup. Until then, keep up with my videos by either coming here to my blog or going here: (Subscribe!)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

My Tribute To David Firth

This blog post is entirely dedicated to the animator/movie maker, David Firth.

Have you ever had one of those dreams? One of the creepy ones in which you're not quite sure where you are, who's who around you, or even who YOU are? One of those dreams that stay in the back of your mind long after you wake up?
This is the kind of thing that David Firth manages to capture in his animations.
Once in the world of David Firth, there is no coming back to reality. You are completely engulfed by a hellish world beyond your imagination! A place where doors may not lead to where they promise, friends may become foes, animals can become mad scientists, and children can become vicious killers!
One thing is for certain. Once you've entered the twisted, claustrophobic areas that scatter throughout the desolated field that is David Firth's head, you will never be quite as sane again.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A Dream

I was walking through the deep woods at night. Though my friends were around, it was still frightening. The entire forest was a dark, greyish blue, the trees were leafless, and stuck out of the ground like boney, monstrous... Well, dead trees, and the entire ground was covered in a thin fog. 
But it wasn't the future monsters I was quite afraid of. It was the past monsters, and the monsters growing inside me. Earlier I had been bitten by a werwolf. It wasn't part of the dream, but I knew it had happened, as if the dream had turned on in the middle of the scene, and the first thing I saw was myself running from it, my brother by my side. 
I knew right then and there that my death was necessary. If I didn't kill myself on this night, I would be doomed to walk the land and kill others. Maybe even keep the curse going. Sort of reminds you of American Werwolf In London, doesn't it? I think that's where this part of the dream came from. 
Anyway, there I was. As my family stood and watched, I awaited my death. A certain friend of mine was holding the rifle just yards from me, my friends and family standing behind him. I can't quite remember who this friend of mine was, but it my dream I'm quite sure I was very familiar with him. 
I closed my eyes. He told me to count backwards from sixteen. 
I was frightened. 
"16, 15..." Was he going to shoot before I got to zero?
"14, 13..." I didn't know if I was ready. What if it hurt? What if he shot too soon?
"12, 11, 10..." I didn't want him to shoot before zero. I didn't want him to deny my last seconds of life.
"9, 8..." I heard them discussing it. Shoot me now or at zero?
"7, 6, 5..." I cringed. The way I would awaiting a punch from my brother.
"4, 3..." I knew it! He was going to shoot too soon!
"2, 1..." He didn't! All that worrying was for nothing! 
"0." BANG! He shot. 
It was surprisingly not painful. Like pulling off a band-aid. All the worrying was for nothing. 
I suddenly found myself lifting up. I opened my eyes, just to see a crane shot of the dark forest fade away. It turned to black, and the credits came on, like some sort of movie. I was surprised. I wasn't expecting to witness the credits. Especially after I was already dead.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Words Of Advice For People In Love

Everybody has a crush on someone in their lives. And when we do, we usually want to make something of it. In this blog, I am going to give some random tips on getting a girlfriend... Based on my own personal screw-ups.

Even though it's the easy way out, there is almost nothing that girls find more pathetic than someone who confesses their True Love on Myspace.

Even though nobody really likes a person who tries to plan everything out, it's usually convenient to know what you're going to do once you tell someone you love them. If you don't know what to do next, it'll most likely be in vain.

It's a pretty bad feeling to get if you tell someone you love them, and a few months later, the feeling starts to fade. It sort of puts a damper on your self-esteem... Especially if you haven't even gotten to the dating level yet.

It's very, very awkward to tell someone you love them if they're already one of your best friends, or a close friend of one of your other friends.

Expect chaos in a relationship if you have different religious beliefs. Especially if you don't have that healthy a relationship. In my case, it was a non-religious hippie and a devoted Christian.

These have been just a few guides for people in a crush based off of my own true-life experience. I would just like to dedicate this post to Kylea, Kaila, Dylan, and Grace, my past crushes. 

Monday, June 23, 2008

Celebrities That Never Seem To Grow Older

The following post is a collection of information me and my brother, Joe, have gathered on numerous movie stars and other celebrities.

Some celebrities never seem to grow old. And I don't mean that as they have always been popular, I mean that as in they really NEVER SEEM TO GET OLDER. The kind of people who look the same now as they did a decade ago. Is it their makeup artists, their plastic surgeons? Who knows. So, without further ado, I give you

Bruce Willis


Julia Roberts

M. Night Shyamalan

Thursday, June 19, 2008


This is the video I tried to get onto my other blog, but was unable to.
For those of you who wish to see the movie without having the ending spoiled, I'd only watch about the first quarter of this video.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hey, Jude

Hey, Jude
Don't make it bad.
Take a sad song,
And make it better.
Remember to let her into your heart,
Then you can start
To make it better.

Hey, Jude
Don't be afraid.
You were made to
Go out and get her.
The minute you let her under your skin,
Then you'll begin
To make it better.

And any time you feel the pain,
Hey, Jude, refrain.
Don't carry the world
Upon your shoulder.

For don't you know that it's a fool
Who plays it cool
By making his world
A little colder?
Na, na, na, na, na!
Na, na, na, na!

Hey, Jude,
Don't let me down.
You have found her,
Now go and get her!
(Let it out and let it in)
Remember to let her into your heart.
Then you can start
To make it better.

So let it out and let it in.
Hey, Jude, begin.
You're waiting for someone
To perform with.

And don't you know that it's just you?
Hey, Jude, you'll do.
The movement you need
Is on your shoulder.
Na, na, na, na, na!
Na, na, na, na!

Hey, Jude
Don't make it bad.
Take a sad song
And make it better.
Remember to let her undre your skin.
Then you'll begin
To make it better...
Better, Better, better, better, better, better, OW!
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na!
Na, na, na, na!
Hey, Jude!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Life's been Looking up!

Horay! It's the end of school and my happiness is blossoming!  So many things are happening to me that just make me want to... Well, do something... I dunno...

1) I've got a drawing in the yearbook! 

2) School's almost out and I've only got two half days and two finals left!

3) It looks like I'm going to get a camping pass at the country fair, AND A JOB over the summer! (Okay, I'm not too psyched about the job)

4) I'm looking forward to getting back together with some friends I haven't spent time with for a while.

5) I just watched the greatest movie of all time! V FOR VENDETTA!

Saturday, May 31, 2008


I seem to be having difficulty with my blog... 

You see, my life doesn't have enough material in it for a blog... What should I write about?

"Yesterday I went to school and got some homework... I came home and procrastinated... Now I've got late homework..."

I didn't find that too interesting... 

"Today I went outside and I helped my dad load firewood... It was really heavy and there were many bugs..."

I guess I'll just wait until something interesting happens in my life good enough to be posted on the internet...


Sunday, May 25, 2008

Some Great Clips I Saw In Video Production!

#1: FULL METAL JACKET-Stanley Kubrick

#2: BOTTLE ROCKETS-... Oops... Who's the director?

#3: LOVE AND DEATH-Woody Allen

#4: THE SHINING-Stanley Kubrick

Monday, May 19, 2008

I have hopped the blogger train!

Greetings! I'm sort of new to the blogging thing, so please excuse me if I'm a little disoriented in my writing. Though, I'll bet that everyone says something like that one their first blog post, so I don't think I'm alone there!

My name's Nick... And that's about as much as you're going to know of my name. You see, I've got a real phobia of pedophiles, so I never give out my name online, you see. Sorry to all of the people out there who really, really want to know my last name... But I don't think there's anybody out there who really, really wants to know my last name, so I think I'm cool...

Sooooo... I'm supposed to write stuff about me here, aren't I?


I'm a comics nerd. That's all I can say. I write comics, I read comics, I'm planning on making a living on comics in the future... I'm just about as comics as someone can get. In my life, I hope to get up there with Art Spiegelman and Alan Moore...

Well, as you can tell by all the periods I've scattered around my writing, this bio is getting a little awkward, so I guess I'll just stop writing before I blow my whole first post...