Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Some YouTube videos worth mentioning...

This is what I've been doing recently. Going on YouTube. Yep.
Anyway, here are some great videos and series I've found over the summer. Enjoy the awesomeness!

#1: Chad Vader: Day Shift Manager. (Pretty much one of the most ridiculous YouTube series you will ever see)

#2: College Humor song spoofs: (The skits are funny, but the song parodies are WAY better)

#3: Eugene Mirman (I thought he was just some actor on Flight of the Conchords. Wow. Did these videos blow me away!)

And to see more videos, go to my YouTube playlist: Great Songs and Music Videos

Or go to MY YouTube Channel to see some videos that I've made!: DEANGELOONS

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Frigging amazing songs #1: Hiphopopotomus vs rhymnoceros

Hiphopopotomus VS Rhymnoceros
-Flight of the Conchords

I'm the mother-flippin'
My beats are fat,
And there's birds around my back
And I'm horny.
I'm horny!
If you choose to proceed
Then you will indeed concede,
Cuz I hit you with my flow,
The wild rhino stampede!

I'm not just wild, I'm trained
I was raised by a rapper
And a rhino that dated
And subsequently procreated!
That's how it goes!
Here's the hiphopopoomus!
The hiphop-Hiphopopotomus!

I'm the hiphopopotomus
My lyrics are bottomless...

They call me the hiphopopotomus
Flows that glow like phosphorus
Popping of the top of this esophagus
Rocking this metropolis!
I'm not a large, water-dwelling mammal,
Where'd you get that preposterous
Did Steve tell you that per-chance?

My rhymes and records,
They don't get played
Because my records and rhymes,
They don't get made.
And if you rap like me,
You don't get paid,
And if you roll like me,
You don't get laid!

My rhymes are so potent
That in this small segment
I made all of the ladies in the area pregnant!
Yes, sometimes my lyrics are sexist,
but you lovely bitches and hoes
should know I'm trying to correct this...

Other rappers diss me,
Say my rhymes are sissy!
Why? Why?
What? Why?
Be more constructive with your feedback, please,
Why? Cuz I rap about reality!
Like me and my gramma drinking a cup of tea!
There ain't no party
Like my nanna's tea party.
Hi, ho!

I'm the motherflippin'!
I'm the motherflippin'!
I'm the motherflippin'!
Who's the motherflippin'?
I'm the motherflippin'!
I'm the motherflippin'!
I'm the motherflippin'!

Yes, I am aware that I just used the same scene twice in my blog...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Some great shows:

Hello, readers of my blog! I am dedicating this new blog entree to some of my most favorite shows on television, because that's what nerd bloggers do...

Flight of the Conchords:

The Mighty Boosh:

The Office:

Thank you for watching, and I hope all of my non-existent readers have been more eductated on the cool shows that you can see on that big, old, superficial television of ours...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's just how things are...

Just a bunch of crap that isn't emotional for anyone, but me, yet, still, I post it online... Because I'm a geek

I've been seeing traces of you for years. In and out, you've jumped, sometimes, for months at a time, and I've never really paid attention, because I've had others on my mind.
But now you're always there. I can't escape. I see you every other day, and I've found that you are much more than I ever saw you as. You're part of my everyday life, and I can't get you out of my head.
I know it could work. Why couldn't it? I've talked to you every chance I can get. I've lived most my recent life just to get to know you. Believe me, I know you, and I know it could work.
Of course, what chance to I have? We're already waist-deep through high school. You've gotten your chance to climb up the ropes of the social world. I haven't had the chance. I've sunk into the pits. With only five friends, and still dropping, I've lost all the faith I have in finding someone to care for me. I'm simply just not strong enough to climb up those ropes. You're life is full of friends and lovers. All I can do is watch as they pick you up before I can even make my way towards you.
It's just as well. You've got him, and he's got you. You two are great together. I know. I know you, and I've known him. No matter how much I may want you in my life, I see you two together, happily, and that gives me enough power to keep going.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

July 8th, 2008

Pardon my post that I wrote all that while back. I was going to make a second and third part, but the longer I waited in making it, the more I realized I had no idea what the rest of the dream really was... That was pretty much the only good part anyway...

Just FYI.


My anything-but-interesting Christmas.

Well, I had an interesting Christmas this week. (I know, that totally contradicts the title... Which is exactly why I wrote that title, so I could use the word contradicts)

Anyway, I've been spending most of my time here at my cousin's house on the computer playing the online game PHAROAH'S TOMB, which is fun, but tedious... I've also been drawing some very scenic pictures... Which is surprisingly easier to do when you're completely bored out of your mind...

I got a canteen, two t-shirts, a badge presser, and a mess load of Cold Stone and Starbuck's gift cards for Christmas.

I've also been spending most of my time involantarily listening to the soundtrack of HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3, which my cousins listen to at least three times a day. I've been able to stand it more now... (Which is not really a feat as much as it is a necessity), and I believe I'm beginning to lose my sanity, as I have already memorized half of the songs...

So that's my week. Santa Barbara is nice, but I'm sure you don't give a crap about what I'm doing right now, so I'll just shut up... I don't even know why I bothered writing this whole thing... Personal satisfaction, I guess...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Nice to see all of my non-existent fans again!*

Well, I've been away for a very long time. Now, I don't mean I've been on vacation or unhooked to the internet for a long time. I just mean I haven't written anything on this blog in about half a year.

Now, I don't really have anymore posts right now, but I'd just like to remind you to look at my PLUTZENLAND WEEKLY and MOVIE REVIEWS blogs. I have a few new things posted there. Oh, and remember to check out my new Deviant Art profile, which I will be putting a link to.

Sooooooooooooooooooo, yeah.

*By the way, if I do have any fans, please send me a comment or something. That kind of thing would be good to know.